My thoughts for saving species are, cutting less trees, less burning grasslands, and less polluting. If we conserve papers, or recycle them we might help species to survive, and without trees they can't live. There was also discovered species, that people never have never seen before, and some of those animals are rare, but they can go extinct again, so it is important to help species because almost all of them are going extinct, like the pandas, polar bears, tigers, and frogs. Theres also another chance that us humans might go extinct to, beacause for example, if the ice starts melting, the ice could turn into water which makes the ocean overflow and cover up cities, countries, and other places. There can be an oppurtunity to save humanity from natural disasters, just by using earth properly. I also noticed that theres people protecting species that means that if that continues to grow there can be a chance that animals wont go extinct anymore.