Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Self reflection of a year in Globaloria
For 4 years, I've been active in Globaloria. It was difficult at first because I didn't know how it worked, but I got the hang of it after a little while. I have learned many things as the years passed by
Friday, April 19, 2013
Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan
I read a short article in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb0Rv6UBEIA it's about a farewell to the loved drummer, The Reverend Tholomew Plague. In this article his friend is writing to him and how he'll see him soon when the time is right. In the article M.Shadows (singer from Avenged Sevenfold) descries jimmy as a brother and inspiration the world.

image retrieved from: http://www.drummerworld.com/drummers/James_The_Reverend_Sullivan.html
image retrieved from: http://www.drummerworld.com/drummers/James_The_Reverend_Sullivan.html
Friday, April 12, 2013
Collect the collectable
My collectable is an apple because the game mainly focuses in healthy eating and safe driving, and although these two topics aren't so similar, they do in fact have a hidden linkage to each other.
Increase the player's score
There was some troubles with the coding for the score at first, the game would crash a little, or once i got to interact with the collectable, the score would go to a 3 digit number. But once I got to fix this small error the score finally bumped up to 1.
Create a score counter
I think that games with score display on them is very fun and cool. I think it's cool because this allows to challenge other people to beat your high score. I think that with high scores you could use that number to buy power ups and what not to make the game more interesting to play.
Create a collectable object
I think that if the collectable in my game (which is an apple) could move around the screen making different moving sequences, something that would make my apple harder to catch.. this would be a little more challenging for the player.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Move the player
I had trouble in making my player move because the coding was supposed to be exact. If there was one tiny thing missing or misspelling, it would take a while to find that error and fix it, but other tha that I got to fix the error and my player moved normally.
Program with actionScript 3
I really don't know the differences, but I think there are new tools in actionscript 3. I also think that there are new ways of using coding, and that's a big change. It'll be harder for me to develop games.
Draw the player
My player's name Jim Pavarotti Francesco. He barely go his driver's licence and he is ready to drive. He is 84 years old and has few health issues, he has Alzheimer, and he has heart problems. He was also recently divorced, he loves texting with his friends, and he is easily distracted.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Draw your background
Drawing my background in flash wasn't really challenging as I thought it was pretty easy.The paper's background looks a lot different fro the one I made in flash. The one on flash looks more colorful, and more detailed. It also looks more complicated but simple which is my objective. I think that the animation on flash looks way better than the original version.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Choose learning topic
My game will have a lot of tapping other than tilting and sliding. I want to make my game as simple as possible, yet challenging for the player. I think it's a good topic for a scrolling game because it doesn't require a lot of movement.
Plan game scene
My game's topic is about safe driving for the elderly. I chose this topic because there are high rates of accidents with the elderly, and the reason why is because most of the elderly have health issues, like bad eyesight, or a heart disorder. The game is have a lot of taping, so when you click on an object the game will change and it'll change the character's way of interacting. The game will include facts, this will teach the player. What most excites me from this game is that, the entertainment that it contains.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Game learning topic
My game's topic is about safe driving for the elderly. I chose this topic because there are high rates of accidents with the elderly, and the reason why is because most of the elderly have health issues, like bad eyesight, or a heart disorder. The game is have a lot of taping, so when you click on an object the game will change and it'll change the character's way of interacting. The game will include facts, this will teach the player.
Imagine team game
Who: elderly. ages 50-70
What: The player will learn that the elder people are nit fit enough to drive around and the reason why is because of their health condition.
Where: My game will take place on the road, the road will include construction and other cars.
How: The game will show the player the possibilities of accidents the elderly have while driving.
What: The player will learn that the elder people are nit fit enough to drive around and the reason why is because of their health condition.
Where: My game will take place on the road, the road will include construction and other cars.
How: The game will show the player the possibilities of accidents the elderly have while driving.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Learn about game paper prototyping
Some problems I had with the paper prototype were coming up with obstacles, and items along the road. I realized that if adding something that seems useless could help a lot with my game because it can trick the player. This can lead the game to be challenging, I want the player to be more focused with the game that way he/she can learn about facts, or to get used to the obstacles that are harmful or harmless.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Choosing topic
The topic that my game is going to focus on is Safe driving, but the main focus is on the elderly.
The player will learn the percentage and average of accident rates, and deaths that the elderly normally have while driving.
The player will learn the percentage and average of accident rates, and deaths that the elderly normally have while driving.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Mobile games
The difference between home console and a mobile console, is that games in a home console has better graphics, and hand held device doesn't. A console has an ease in gaming while handheld devices are a little challenging. I would prefer a console because it's simply way more fun, more easy, better looking, and it's battery life is longer.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
PlayStation 4
The Playstation 4 is the most anticipated console of all time. Although not much was covered during the conference. The controller has a microphone that works as a headset, a headphone jack input, a SHARE button, the controller's name is the Dualshock 4. The console is faster and more sharp than a computer, you can now download while playing games, or while the system's off. The pixels are no longer 1500, they are now 30,000. This allows games to be more realistic and more enjoyable.. Well done Playstation..
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Black History Game
This is the game that I designed to celebrate Black History Month. It is about Jimi Hendrix and his musical career, in the game you play as him. You must evade tab flaws which means messing up. You can evade the flaws by using the arrow keys. Sorry for the delay.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Black history month
My game is going to be about Jimi Hendrix. I think he's a major influence among many young guitarists. I want the game to mainly focus on his musical career. I think it's better to focus on that because his personal life wasn't so hot. He had some possession on drugs. I want people to focus on the way he played guitar, and how he became well known. My game will give facts about jimi, and in the game you play the guitar.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Final Game
The Big Idea: Describe your learning topic for the game.
What is the most important thing you want your players to learn?
Future of Football.
Research: What kind of research did you do?
Money donations to the NFL to develop safe football.
What did you learn about your topic?
Football will change the way people play in the NFL.
Making Decisions: How did your ideas change as you worked on your game?
I simply chose what seemed more informative, and transferred it to my game.
Mastering Programming: What Game Ingredients and Help Center resources have been most useful to you so far, and why?
Clicking hidden objects is the most important ingredient in my game. Without it my game wouldn't make scence
Overcoming Challenges: Which part of making the game was most difficult for you?
Adding the magnifying glass is the hardest installment i had to do with my game.
How did you overcome this difficulty?
I received a lot of help from my peers, and I played around with codes.
What features are you most proud of in your game?
My game Quality
What is the most important thing you want your players to learn?
Future of Football.
Research: What kind of research did you do?
Money donations to the NFL to develop safe football.
What did you learn about your topic?
Football will change the way people play in the NFL.
Making Decisions: How did your ideas change as you worked on your game?
I simply chose what seemed more informative, and transferred it to my game.
Mastering Programming: What Game Ingredients and Help Center resources have been most useful to you so far, and why?
Clicking hidden objects is the most important ingredient in my game. Without it my game wouldn't make scence
Overcoming Challenges: Which part of making the game was most difficult for you?
Adding the magnifying glass is the hardest installment i had to do with my game.
How did you overcome this difficulty?
I received a lot of help from my peers, and I played around with codes.
What features are you most proud of in your game?
My game Quality
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Add game ingredients
I only had one trouble with making my game, I couldn't figure out the code for the magnifying glass. I went over many steps on the wiki, but it didn't seem to help. So I got help from my peers and I understood the concept of the Magnifying glass.
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